Laser Dentistry & Photobiomodulation

Laser Dentistry & Photobiomodulation

Our office has 4 dental lasers and 2 photobiomodulation (light therapy) lasers. We have two soft tissues dental lasers; LightScapel CO2 laser and a Fox 1064 nm diode laser. Both are used to excise or ablate soft tissues. We have one hard & soft Dental laser (Erbium Versawave) we use for preparing teeth and bone. Our final dental laser is not a cutting laser but a cold laser with five attachments to treat a wide spectrum of dental modalities. We can anesthetize tissues and teeth, promote healing of extraction site, reduce pain at the TM joint and oral facial musculature, reduce sensitivity in teeth, treat herpetic lesions, activate acupuncture trigger points to reduce excessive gagging or uncontrollable tremors and/or promotes healing of surgical sites. This machine is amazing!

Our photobiomodulation units consist of a pod for whole body wellness and a hand held machine with five attachments. Both machines are advanced light systems using certain wavelengths to either stimulate cell production or inhibits cell transmission. With this light system we can repair tissue (produce new stem cells and cellular regeneration of muscle and collagen), reduce inflammation & oedema and blocks pain. Research has shown the anecdotal side effects are less stress, less anxiety, less depression and a better sleep. Dr. Lamont uses the smaller unit in her dental operatories to anesthetise patients without injections, promote dentin stem cell growth, activate acupuncture trigger points to stop tremors, prevent excessive gag reflex and reduce or stop facial muscle and TM joint pain.

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